The East (The Mind, New Beginnings)

In many Native American cultures, the East is associated with the majestic eagle, a symbol of a powerful force residing within us: vision. With it’s acute eyesight, an eagle can spot a rabbit in a field a mile below. Similarly, our minds are capable of “seeing” our place on the Map of life. The Lakota Sioux Indians of North America regard the eagle as a mediator between the physical and spiritual worlds, and as a totem animal said to carry prayers to heaven. South American shamans also speak of a future time when the eagle, representing the North, and the condor, representing the South, will fly as one, symbolizing an age of unity, and shared vision among people of all nations. The Eastern Landscape Learn More


Feng Po Po offers her wisdom to assist you in aligning your needs and desires with the harmonizing forces of nature. Treating yourself to wholesome, nutritious food is one way of taking care of your self, but overindulging may be a sign that your emotional state is out of balance.

If Madame Wind appears in the comes as a cross wind, ask yourself, “How am I neglecting my needs, and why are my creative juices becoming desiccated like raisins in the sun?

More info on Feng PoPo and Video

West Wind 

The Western Landscape of the Spirit

An Iroquois legend states that after fire was born, air was created. Then Goah, the master of all wind gods, placed an animal in each quadrant of the Map to regulate the various other winds. He placed a bear in the North, a moose in the East, a fawn in the South, and in the West, a mighty panther named Dajoji. As the keeper of the setting sun, Dajoji signaled the end of each daily cycle. To Native North Americans, the panther plays a significant role in witchcraft, hunting, medicine, and healing. In Native South America, panther sightings are associated with wealth, the earth, and good fortune.

Winds in the West often serve as catalysts for the spiritual transition that the sixteenth-century mystic Saint John of the Cross termed the dark night of the soul. Busy lives do not easily accommodate these types of experiences, wherein our sense of identity and stability is questioned.[click_to_tweet tweet=”The West Wind signifies celebrations, the end of cycles, and the physical body. Wind energies that blow through this quadrant are available to help you reap the harvests of your efforts. Read More

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