As the holidays and New Year approach many people are planning on traveling to visit family. And so many have been taking online courses and watching podcasts to learn how to find inner peace and stay centered and grounded during this most challenging time.

Shamanism is an ancient practice that embraces that we all have helping spirits who can guide us and help us heal. This practice is over 100,000 years old and is universal. But in today’s work many people do not believe in the presence of spirits.

So for those engaged in the practice of shamanism it is important to learn how to share the spiritual practices that might not be understood or embraced by our families.

Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they talk about how to communicate the spiritual practices you are inspired by without alienating those who might not embrace the same beliefs as you. Sandra will share how she talks about filling with our divine light in a way that is is easy to share with others.

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