We are in such intense times. And obviously no one is privy to how long our life will be. There are so many stages in one’s life’s journey. There is a time to be an activist if this calls to you. There is a time to meditate and transmit vibrations of life and...
For eons, the planet has been going through extreme changes. But we are here now. Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau talk about the need to get prepared for taking care of oneself on all levels during extreme changes on the planet. Sandra lost her electricity and the...
You have heard Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau talk about how from a spiritual perspective we are here for such a short time. As our lives have been forced to change dramatically you have a special opportunity to look at how you want to reshape your life. What do...
The moon is a sacred being. It controls the flow of life as it’s changing cycles creates an ebb and flow in everything that is alive. And when we flow with nature we improve our health on every level and learn we don’t have to fight the rhythm of life. Tune in for...
In the times we are living in people get trapped in worrying about the future and all the dire predictions of what we have to fear. But the key to staying centered, happy, and healthy now is staying present. In this show Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau speak about...
Renee and Sandra will share with you the important elements that they have both found go into any process of creation. They both have their own formulas! This show follows the work where we shared how shamans use creation stories for a road map in performing their...