In this show Renee and Sandra have a very interesting conversation about the difference of creating a business to make money versus creating a business from your passion and your true soul’s desire and destiny. And when you add persistence to your passion you step...
We grieve those who we love who pass on. But grief is also a process that occurs with all loss. We are alive during unprecedented times of being able to get news of suffering and death impacting all of live and all over the world. In this show Renee and Sandra talk...
Renee shared that the topic of meeting a spirit animal comes up regularly for our viewers. Sandra and Renee talk about helping spirits who volunteer to guide us, heal us, and protect us. And they speak to the issue of how to interpret our shamanic experiences. Sandra...
In this show Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau talk about the initiatory journey we go on when we experience loss, trauma, and tragedy in our lives. We go into the darkness where the truth of who we really are is revealed as beings filled with love, light, and a deep...
The moon is a sacred being. It controls the flow of life as it’s changing cycles creates an ebb and flow in everything that is alive. And when we flow with nature we improve our health on every level and learn we don’t have to fight the rhythm of life. Tune in for...
Water gives us life. Every being that lives on the Earth requires water to live. But yet how do we treat water in everyday life? Do we bless it, honor it, give gratitude or do we just treat it like an inanimate object that serves us?. Water serves life! And when we...
Renee is our amazing guide in how to manage yourself in different phases of the wind. Today Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman talk about the need to add anchors to help us stay steady in the changing winds. There is a wealth of guidance we can tap into as we forge...
In the times we are living in people get trapped in worrying about the future and all the dire predictions of what we have to fear. But the key to staying centered, happy, and healthy now is staying present. In this show Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau speak about...
During this show we continue our exploration of how by building a strong relationships with the elements that give us life – Earth, Air, Water, Fire we will find they treat us with kindness and help in times of need instead of needing to give us these huge wake up...
In shamanic cultures, people did not separate spiritual practices from their daily life. For their daily life was intertwined with their relationship with nature and with creating harmony in the community. All the practices of crafting beautiful words,...
Seasons flow one into another. They teach us about how life is ever-changing and flowing as death and birth are cycles that rule nature. As we are nature the cycles of death and birth rule us too. There are such deep lessons that we can learn about navigating...
Sandra and Renee decided to broach the topic of how we prioritize what our ego wants versus our responsibility to the planet. When you listen to elders sharing their advice about this time we are all being asked to simplify our life so our footstep on the Earth can be...
It sounds contradictory, but when things seemingly go wrong in life gratitude can be our greatest tool. When you express gratitude a new healing path opens up for you, opportunities to put your life into balance manifest right in front of you, you feel more joyful and...
We are so immersed in the news right now. There are so many opposing opinions on do we renter life or do we continue to isolate. So many opinions, so many words, so much fear, and anger surrounding us. How do we know what our own truth is when we are surrounded by so...
Right now people are looking for ways to clear the energy in the collective and bring back healing into the world. Life will never be the same for any of us and people know this and feel unsettled. When this occurs people start to reflect on issues that need to be...
Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau talk about the power and benefits that come from committing to a spiritual practice that brings joy and beauty into your life. Often we ride the surface waves of spiritual practices and don’t get the same rewards as those who keep...
Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman talk about how living through a life changing event like the pandemic we are experiencing right now changes our priorities. These life changing events open up new opportunities to see where our true passion lies and changes we wish...
In building strong relationships with the elements we decided to start helping you find your compass and also root into the earth. Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman speak about the element earth. You know how much we get from her. She brings us nurturance on all...
In shamanism the word power means to work with others to create positive change. In the turbulent times we are living in some people, horrified by the level of suffering, step out of working with true shamanic principles to restore harmony. In this engaging show Renee...