On our last episode of The Shamans Cave, Renee and Sandra talk about anger. For so many people are dealing with their own personal anger as well as feeling angry about what is happening on the Earth. Anger is an energy that does effect the health of the collective. So...
Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau lets our circle know after this week’s show we will be replaying 4 really wonderful shows that will inspire you to keep your shamanic practices and ceremonies going. The shows are some of our best and are rich with ideas and...
In this engaging show Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman with the topic of scarcity. Renee will call in the wind that has a teaching for us about this important topic. For when we believe there is not enough for all we become jealous and envious of those we feel have...
In shamanic communities everyone works together to manifest the best for everyone in the community. For they know they are dependent on each other’s gifts and strengths and their unique ability and talent to manifest the best for all. In our culture we are taught to...
Renee is teaching a powerful new online training. She is doing an intro call How to Become a Wind Alchemist. Sandra interviews Renee about her new course. And then they take on the topic of the pros of taking shamanic trainings. For learning how to practice shamanic...